Dannnye K. Holley, Dean and Professor of Law

Law Library - Faculty Services

Reserve Collection

• Classroom Support
Current Awareness
Faculty Liason Program
Faculty SSRN Submissions
Library Tours
Obtaining Materials
Reference Assistance
Reserve Collection

The Reserve Collection is located behind the Circulation Desk. Included in that group of materials are heavy demand items, Faculty Course Reserve and Faculty Exams. The Faculty Course Reserve/Exams is a temporary Reserve Collection of items that professors have asked to be held at the Circulation Desk for student use. Students may borrow and use items within the library for a limited time. Faculty Reserve items are removed at the end of every semester and returned to the faculty member.

To place an item on Faculty Reserve:

  • Complete the Reserve Request Form. (The forms are available at the bottom of this page)
  • Return the completed form to Patrina Epperson , Circulation Librarian or Nanette Collins, our Reference Librarian.
  • Bring the items to be placed on reserve. If the item is a photocopy, please make sure enough copies are being provided (1 copy per 15 students).
  • Retain a copy of the item you are placing on reserve. Note: the library is not responsible for personal copies of materials placed on reserve.
  • Obtain a reprint or permission to copy.
  • It takes at least 8 hours to process a reserve request. Before announcing the availability of the reserve material, please verify with the Circulation Librarian that the material is available.
  • Upon completion of the class, the item will be returned to you, unless otherwise instructed.

Reserve Items Request Form



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